About Us
Reicuri means “a new beginning” in Latin.
Just like the name, we are working towards a future of healthy individuals in India. We know that essential nutrients such as – fatty acids, essential amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and essential macro and micronutrients form a vital part of a healthy body. Hence, all our products ensure the presence of these essential nutrients in the correct quantity and quality. Our products offer long-term health benefits to both young and old and are at par with international standards. This is possible due to our collaboration with global brands who believe in only natural products, like ours. Our products have a variety of forms, such as: effervescent technology, emulsion, mono-doses, or crystalline powders.
Our products help you for
The products offered to our end customers are well-researched and tested by our research and development team. These products are shipped and stored with utmost care to retain their supplemental value. Since our products are made from natural ingredients, they have a longer shelf life and are safe to consume.
Increase vitality, beauty, cognition, and agility
Anti-aging solutions

- Offer quality nutraceuticals from across the Globe for a healthy life.
- Become a customer-centric organization that understands the need of its end-users
- Offer an arcade of products that cater to everyone

Our mission is simple, yet a step ahead of many others:
- Offer products curated from natural ingredients and high-quality source
- Best formulation available in the market
- Strict adherence to quality
- Complete focus on the therapeutic/supplementation needs of our clients
- Cost-efficient products
- We care, so we develop products that anyone can consume without any side-effects

Who are we
- We are a value-based organization.
- We prioritize the fact that our consumers trust us. So, we ensure that our products are reliable and maintain uniform standards.
- Since our goal is to spread health awareness among individuals, we offer premium quality products at affordable rates.
- As an organization, we care and believe that every individual deserves a healthy life; hence, we promise a productive future of health and happiness

Our Values
- We care for the well-being of people
- We ensure that all our products are authentic and not me-too products
- We believe in offering genuine products at affordable price
- We value our customer’s faith in us, so all our products are sourced from natural ingredients
- We research, develop and test all our products meticulously
- Each of our products is unique to cater to unique individuals
- This is not a business for us but an initiative to offer good health to all

Our Promise
- We are passionate about our products; hence ensure the following to all the end users.
- Our products are unique and stand out in the market; they are not a me-too product
- We don’t replicate our competitor’s product, so there is no alternative to our offering
- We offer premium quality products that assure purity
- The health benefits our products provide guaranteed value for money
- A complete solution to rejuvenate your mind, body, skin, vitality, and overall well-being